Elon Musk -Twitter Saga

A complete timeline of the Elon Musk-Twitter saga

1. US regulators said someone should really monitor Elon Musk’s tweets

2. Elon Musk tweets that he’s “giving serious thought” to building his own social media platform


 Elon Musk buys 9.2% share of Twitter on April 4th


Elon Musk snags a board seat at Twitter the next day, April 5th

In major reversal, Elon Musk will no longer be joining Twitter’s board, announced April 10


A Twitter shareholder sues after Musk fails to promptly disclose his huge investment in Twitter



Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter, the whole company, for $43 billion on April 14

Elon Musk does an interview at TED hours after sending Twitter his big offer

The following day, April 15th, Twitter’s board turns toward the defence everyone anticipated: the poison pill

Elon Musk breaks down how he’d fund his $43 billion bid for Twitter

Twitter said to be close to a deal with Elon Musk, April 25th

Twitter accepts Elon Musk’s $44 billion acquisition offer, April 25th

Since many changes are being planned to incorporate in Twitter. We look forward to better social interactions and appropriate use of the platform.