understanding What is Liquidity Ratios

What is Liquidity Ratios: Types, Formula and Their Importance

“The power of ratio lies in the fact  that the numbers in the financial statement by themselves don’t reveal the whole story”-Karen Berman A ratio is the  mathematical  relationship between two or more items in terms of proportion. Financial Ratios are created after we extract numerical data from the three key financial statements  that are …

image for the blog "Understanding the financial statement " by topspod

Understanding the financial statement before investing in a company

INTRODUCTION What comes into your mind when I say match a word with finance? Let me guess “Financial statement” right? From the time we have chosen commerce as our field in school this word has been with us. We all must know what they are right ? Financial statements are the documents created by management …

blog on Financial Literacy Platforms for A Successful Financial Planning

Top Financial Literacy Platforms for A Successful Financial Planning

Contains: FINANCIAL LITERACY PLATFORMS FOR INVESTMENT FOR BUDDETING FOR KNOWLEDGE ROLE OF GAMES IN FINANCIAL LITERACY CONCLUSION Financial literacy is the foundation of making informed decisions about one’s finances and achieving financial stability. The modern financial landscape is complex and fast-paced, and individuals are expected to manage their finances on their own. However, not everyone …